Toshiba TRST-A10 Series Remote Receipt Printer Owners Manual

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CategoriesComputer Equipment, Copier Manuals, Printer Manuals, Toshiba Copier Manuals, Toshiba Printer Manuals
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TRST-A10 SERIES Owner’s Manual TOSHIBA REMOTE RECEIPT PRINTER Personal safety in handling or maintaining the equipment is extremely important. Warnings and Cautions necessary for safe handling are included in this manual. All warnings and cautions contained in this manual should be read and understood before handling or maintaining the equipment. Do not attempt to effect repairs or modifications to this equipment. If a fault occurs that cannot be rectified using the procedures described in this manual, turn off the power, unplug the machine, then contact your authorised TOSHIBA TEC representative for assistance.

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This symbol indicates warning items (including cautions). Specific warning contents are drawn inside the symbol. (The symbol on the left indicates a general caution.) This symbol indicates prohibited actions (prohibited items). Specific prohibited contents are drawn inside or near the symbol. (The symbol on the left indicates “no disassembling “.) This symbol indicates actions which must be performed. Specific instructions are drawn inside or near the symbol. (The symbol on the left indicates “disconnect the power cord plug from the outlet “.) This indicates that there is the risk of death or serious injury if the machines are improperly handled contrary to this indication. Do not use voltages other than the voltage (AC) specified on the rating plate, as this may cause fire or electric shock. ! Do not plug in or unplug the power cord plug with wet hands as this may cause electric shock. ! If the machines share the same outlet with any other electrical appliances that consume large amounts of power, the voltage will fluctuate widely each time these appliances operate. Be sure to provide an exclusive outlet for the machine as this may cause fire or electric shock. Do not insert or drop metal, flammable or other foreign objects into the machines through the ventilation slits, as this may cause fire or electric shock. ! Do not place metal objects or waterfilled containers such as flower vases, flower pots or mugs, etc. on top of the machines. If metal objects or spilled liquid enter the machines, this may cause fire or electric shock. ! ! Do not scratch, damage or modify the power cords. Also, do not place heavy objects on, pull on, or excessively bend the cords, as this may cause fire or electrical shock. ” If the machines are dropped or their cabinets damaged, first turn off the power switches and disconnect the power cord plugs from the outlet, and then contact your authorised TOSHIBA TEC representative for assistance. Continued use of the machine in that condition may cause fire or electric shock. ” Continued use of the machines in an abnormal condition such as when the machines are producing smoke or strange smells may cause fire or electric shock. In these cases, immediately turn off the power switches and disconnect the power cord plugs from the outlet. Then, contact your authorised TOSHIBA TEC representative for assistance. ” & If foreign objects (metal fragments, water, liquids) enter the machines, first turn off the power switches and disconnect the power cord plugs from the outlet, and then contact your authorised TOSHIBA TEC representative for assistance. Continued use of the machine in that condition may cause fire or electric shock. Ensure that the equipment is properly grounded. Extension cables should also be grounded. Fire or electric shock could occur on improperly grounded equipment. ” When unplugging the power cords, be sure to hold and pull on the plug portion. Pulling on the cord portion may cut or expose the internal wires and cause fire or electric shock. Do not remove covers, repair or modify the machine by yourself. You may be injured by high voltage, very hot parts or sharp edges inside the machine. #$ % Precautions This indicates that there is the risk of personal Injury or damage to objects if the machines are improperly handled contrary to this indication. The following precautions will help to ensure that this machine will continue to function correctly. · Try to avoid locations that have the following adverse conditions: * Temperatures out of the specification * Direct sunlight * High humidity * Shared power source * Excessive vibration * Dust/Gas · The cover should be cleaned by wiping with a dry cloth or a cloth slightly dampened with a mild detergent solution. NEVER USE THINNER OR ANY OTHER VOLATILE SOLVENT on the plastic covers. · USE ONLY TOSHIBA TEC SPECIFIED paper and ribbons. · DO NOT STORE the paper or ribbons where they might be exposed to direct sunlight, high temperatures, high humidity, dust, or gas. · Ensure the printer is operated on a level surface. · Any data stored in the memory of the printer could be lost during a printer fault. · Try to avoid using this equipment on the same power supply as high voltage equipment or equipment likely to cause mains interference. · Unplug the machine whenever you are working inside it or cleaning it. · Keep your work environment static free. · Do not place heavy objects on top of the machines, as these items may become unbalanced and fall causing injury. · Do not block the ventilation slits of the machines, as this will cause heat to build up inside the machines and may cause fire. · Do not lean against the machine. It may fall on you and could cause injury. · Care must be taken not to injure yourself with the printer paper cutter. · Unplug the machine when it is not used for a long period of time. · Place the machine on a stable and level surface. Request Regarding Maintenance · Utilize our maintenance services. After purchasing the machine, contact your authorised TOSHIBA TEC representative for assistance once a year to have the inside of the machine cleaned. Otherwise, dust will build up inside the machines and may cause a fire or a malfunction. Cleaning is particularly effective before humid rainy seasons. the quality and performance of the machines, preventing accidents beforehand. For details, please consult your authorised TOSHIBA TEC representative for assistance. · Our preventive maintenance service performs the periodic checks and other work required to maintain · Using insecticides and other chemicals Do not expose the machines to insecticides or other volatile solvents. This will cause the cabinet or other parts to deteriorate or cause the paint to peel. SPAA-207-R1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. PRODUCT OVERVIEW -1.1 1.2 1.3 Introduction -Features –Applicable Model – 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 2. SPECIFICATIONS -2.1 2.2 Printer –Receipt Roll — 2-1 2-1 2-1 3. APPEARANCE –3.1 3.2 3.3 Front/Rear View -LED and Feed Button Connectors 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-3 4. SET UP PROCEDURE –4.1 4.2 Requirements for Operation -Setting up the Printer — 4-1 4-1 4-4 5. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE –5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Connecting the Power Cord and Interface Cable -Connecting the Drawer -Loading the Receipt Roll –Self Test Print — 5-1 5-1 5-4 5-4 5-7 6. GENERAL MAINTENANCE -6.1 6.2 Cleaning –6.1.1 Cleaning the Print Head and Platen –6.1.2 Cleaning the Covers -Removing Jammed Paper – 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-2 7. TROUBLESHOOTING 7-1 1. This manual may not be copied in while or in part without prior written permission of TOSHIBA TEC. 2. The contents of this manual may be changed without notification. 3. Please refer to your local Authorized Service representative with regard to any queries you may have in this manual. CAUTION! 1. PRODUCT OVERVIEW SPAA-207-R1 1.1 Introduction 1. PRODUCT OVERVIEW 1.1 Introduction Thank you for purchasing the TOSHIBA TRST-A10 Series Thermal Printer. This printer is a compact line thermal printer designed to be connected to a TOSHIBA POS terminal or used as a kitchen printer, etc. It prints both 80 mm-wide and 58 mm-wide receipts at the maximum print speed of 225mm/sec. The body colour is selectable from Fair White (SF) and Cool Black (SC) so that it is possible to coordinate the colour with the TOSHIBA POS terminal. The interface type is either RS232C I/F or USB I/F (V2.0 Full Speed). Also Parallel I/F is available as option. This manual contains general set-up and maintenance information and should be read carefully to help gain the maximum performance and life from your printer. For most queries please refer to this manual and keep it safe for future reference. 1.2 Features Due to a paper drop-in mechanism, the paper replacement can be done by just dropping a new paper roll and closing the cover. …..

The power is not turned on. (Power LED does not light.) · · Check Point Is the power cord plugged in correctly? Is power supplied to the AC outlet? · · 7. TROUBLESHOOTING Solution Plug it in correctly. If it is not a power failure, check if the power is supplied to the AC outlet with another electric appliance. If not, contact your nearest power company. Check the circuit breaker. Refer to Section 5.3 and load the receipt roll properly. Refer to Section 6.2 and remove the jammed paper, and re-load the receipt roll. Connect the interface cable correctly. Use a TOSHIBA TECrecommended interface cable or an interface cable which meets the specification of the printer. Refer to Section 6.1 and clean the print head. Refer to Section 2.2 and use the TOSHIBA TEC specified paper. Do not use dampened paper · Has the circuit breaker tripped? Is the receipt roll loaded properly? Does a paper jam error occur? Is the interface cable connected correctly? Does the specification of the interface cable meet that of the POS terminal or the printer? Is the print head dirty? Is the proper paper used? Is the paper dampened? · Receipt paper is not issued. · · · · No printing is performed though the POWER LED lights. · · · · Issued receipt paper is stained. Irregular print/blurred print · · · · · · NOTE: If any problem occurs other than the above, please contact your authorized TOSHIBA TEC representative. 7-1 SPAA-207-R1 English Waste Recycling information for users: Following information is only for EU-member states: The crossed out wheeled bin symbol is used to indicate that the product must not be treated as general household waste. By ensuring that this product is disposed of correctly you will be helping to prevent potentially negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by incorrect waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about the take-back and recycling of this equipment, please contact the supplier that provided you with the product in question. French Information aux utilisateurs concernant le recyclage des déchets: Les informations suivantes sont uniquement destinées aux pays membres de l’Union Européenne: L’utilisation du symbole de “poubelle à roulettes barrée ” indique que ce produit ne doit pas être traité comme un déchet ménager classique. En vous assurant que ce produit est correctement mis au rebut, vous participerez à la prévention de l’environnement et de la santé publique, contre des conséquences négatives potentielles qui pourraient résulter d’un traitement inapproprié des déchets de ce produit. Pour obtenir des informations complémentaires concernant la récupération et le recyclage de ce produit, veuillez contacter le fournisseur auprès duquel vous avez acheté le produit. German Wiederverwertungsinformationen für Verbraucher: Die folgenden Informationen gelten nur für EU-Mitgliedsstaaten: Das durchgestrichene Mülltonnensymbol weist darauf hin, dass dieses Produkt nicht wie allgemeiner Haushaltsmüll behandelt werden darf. Indem Sie aktiv mitwirken, dieses Produkt ordnungsgemäß zu entsorgen, helfen Sie mit, mögliche negative Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt sowie die menschliche Gesundheit zu vermeiden, die sonst durch die unsachgemäße Entsorgung dieses Produktes beeinträchtigt werden könnten. Für nährere Informationen zur Rücknahme und Wiederverwertung dieses Produktes wenden sie sich bitte an den Lieferanten, von dem Sie dieses Produkt erworben haben. Spanish Información para usuarios sobre el reciclaje de residuos: La siguiente información sólo concierne a los Estados Miembros de la UE: El uso del símbolo de un contenedor con ruedas tachado indica que este producto no puede ser tratado como si fuera un residuo doméstico. Asegurando que nos deshacemos de este producto de forma correcta, ayudaremos a evitar potenciales consecuencias negativas tanto para el medio ambiente como para la salud pública, que podrían producirse debido a un tratamiento inapropiado de este producto. Para obtener una información más detallada sobre la recogida y reciclaje de su producto, por favor, póngase en contacto con el proveedor donde lo compró. Dutch Gebruikersinformatie over het recycleren van afval: De volgende informatie geldt enkel in EU-lidstaten: Het symbool met de doorkruiste afvalbak geeft aan dat dit product niet mag worden behandeld als algemeen huishoudelijk af val. Door dit product op de juiste manier van de hand te doen beschermt u het milieu en de volksgezondheid tegen mogelijke negatieve gevolgen, die anders zouden kunnen voortvloeien uit het onjuist verwerken van de resten van dit product. Voor gedetailleerde informatie over het terugnemen en recycleren van dit product, gelieve contact op te nemen met de leverancier van dit product. SPAA-207-R1 Italian Informazioni sul riciclo del prodotto: Le seguenti informazioni riguardano gli stati membri EU: Il simbolo con il bidone sbarrato indica il non poter smaltire questo prodotto come rifiuto domestico. L’ accertamento che questo prodotto sia smaltito correttamente contribuirà ad impedire le potenziali conseguenze negative per l’ ambiente e la salute umana che potrebbero essere causati, al contrario, dall’ errato smaltimento dello stesso. Per informazioni più dettagliate sulle modalita di resa e riciclaggio di questo prodotto mettetevi in contatto con il fornitore da cui l’ avete aquistato. Portuguese Informação sobre reciclagem: A informação que se segue é apenas dirigida a países membros da CEE: A utilização deste símbolo indica que este produto não pode ser tratado como lixo comum. Ao assegurar-se que este produto é tratado correctamente está a ajudar a prevenir potenciais consequências negativas para o ambiente e para a saúde humana, que poderiam ser causadas pelo inapropriado tratamento deste produto. Para mais informação sobre a reciclagem e tratamento deste produto, contacte o seu fornecedor. E PRINTED IN SINGAPORE SPAA-207-R1 TSMB0039901 …

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